Optical Allusions



an expression designed to call something to mind without explicitly mentioning it; an indirect or passing reference

The Optical Allusions project has taken me on an experimental journey this past two years. This is organic art for wellbeing. I was keen to make some work where nothing was used that had been mined, no plastic or lead containers for paints, work which supports the environment rather than depletes it. Made in Norfolk with organically-grown bio inks applied with twigs to recycled cotton rag paper, each piece is an original. They will evolve over time as some colours remain and some fade - a reminder of the natural law of impermanence. In alignment with that, each artwork is completely biodegradable.

I love nature, and I love gardening. Lately I’ve come across the term ‘guardianing’ where we allow nature to take its own course with minimal intervention. Growing organic fruit, vegetables and herbs for many years, deciding to grow my own inks has helped me find even more magic in my relationship with mother nature. 

I don’t use any ‘fixers’ or mordants - the colours are pure, natural, organic.

As with most artistic endeavours, it’s experimentation that evolves into the outcome. The blots I’m making remind me of the colour blindness tests we’d had at primary school. We were shown a series of coloured dots wherein we had to find a shape or a number. They’re called ‘Ishihara Eye Tests’ and I believe they’re still done today. 

So I decide to go with it, the colour blindness idea. It fits. Every thing originates in nature. All nature does is give - such generosity! There’s a rule of nature to learn from. I roll with my ‘true nature/impermanence’ theme, I’m keen to let nature be the expression of colour that we may be blind to, to remind us how nature provides everything for us to thrive here on this planet we call home.

Over the weeks, as I make new colours from the flowering plants, fading leaves, berries and tree prunings depending on the season, I research and collect designs for themes: interconnectedness; oneness, unity, the breath, ancient symbolisms which reflect the laws of nature.

We are One - organic inks made with apple, honesty, nettle & grass

I apply the floral ink blots with twigs I collect on walks or pick up in the garden. I’ll blunt one end of the twig on either a stone or sandpaper. How long they’ll last is for nature to decide, but I have my favourites. What’s left over will go on the compost heap.

With each new piece comes a deeper understanding of each ink. The bark and twig inks seem longer-lasting (more colourfast, slower to fade). Juiced grass from the lawn is deep green, but yields paler hues when made in my usual way.

I’ve mentioned colour fastness. These images are meant to fade: they’re made from True Nature. They’re a reminder of the impermanence of all things, that This Too Shall Pass as someone wise once said. Making these pieces in such a way that brings me into the moment, I hope they will serve to do the same for those who see them, who live with them and evolve with them.

natural organic ink made from apple and honesty

Om - said to be the prime mantra of the Higher Self, Om attunes us with our true nature

My bio ink or eco dye process is a simple one, keeping the dyes close to and true to nature. Some papers have what you’d call in a factory setting ‘flaws’, some dented and warped. The recycled cotton rag papers are handmade. I love a hand made process.


Hand readings